Review of Life

In this message, Pastor Kunle discusses how to change the course of history in your life. It is taking relevant actions that give birth to your desires in the new year. There is no hope of achieving anything concrete if you are not ready to adjust. We believe as you listen with an open mind, this message will induce hope to give birth to your achievements.

Being Born Again

In today's message, Pastor Gideon taught us about the importance and benefits of being born again in a new dimension. This may serve as a refresher teaching to some and it may be an eye opener to other. I pray as you listen to this message, it will profit your soul in Jesus. Visit us at Embassy of Mercy on

Discerning spirits

Discerning Spirit

In today's message, Pastor talks about the importance of being in tune with God and knowing how to discern all kinds of spirits whether they are of God or not....

Building A Godly Family

Building A Godly Family

In today's message, Pastor speaks about relationships between husbands and wives, parents and their children within a godly family setting.

Prevailing Prayer

Ephesians 6:18 "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints"